Monday, January 8, 2024
Gift Basket Liners
The Gourmet Cupboard
Monday, February 6, 2023
3 Steps to Ease Your Saggy Bottom
Getting rid of a baggy bottom.
Easing in larger areas.
Press carefully.
"I don't care what the groundhog says: I want six more weeks of quilting!"
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Socks or Shoes? How do you sew?
After a very busy holiday season, I am grateful to get back into my studio! As I replaced the Christmas curtains with our everyday ones, I decided to make a table topper to match. Searching my stash, I found matching fabric and settled on a pattern I could use. I adjusted the design based on the fabric I had left, carefully cut the pieces, and began to sew.
The topper came together easily, but something felt off. When I came upstairs for a coffee refill, I realized what was wrong.
I was sewing with my shoes on!
When I sew, I like to do it barefoot or with socks on. I feel I have much better control over the foot pedal. I use my toes and the ball of my foot to gauge how much pressure I need on the foot pedal. With shoes on, that precision is gone and all I get is a flat pressure and much less control. And with some shoes, my foot tends to slip around on the pedal.
There are a few hazards to not wearing shoes in the sewing studio. Dropping scissors or rotary cutters on your toes and stepping on pins or needles can be painful. Socks also pick up threads and track them all over the house.
For me, I'll risk the hazards for more control over my machine.
How about you? Sock or shoe?
"Put your foot down and QUILT!"
Thursday, November 3, 2022
What Happens in a Christian Studio
I recently received an e-mail from Matt Tommey, a Christian artist and coach. In it, he talked about what happens in our studio when we create with God. It got me thinking, is this what is happening in my studio?
I want my studio to be a place like that. A sacred space where I meet with the creative nature of God to fulfill a Kingdom assignment.
I have been blessed with a great studio in my basement. But somehow, going in it and creating has become a chore and not the blessing God intends it to be. It is time for me to rekindle my enthusiasm and joy to allow my studio to be what God designed it to be again.
- I will embrace my position as a child of God and do what He has put on my heart.
- I will embrace my unique design as a creative and create with the Holy Spirit.
- I will embrace my Kingdom assignment to create so God will be glorified.
In the studio, we are most alive and God is glorified because creating was His idea in the first place. It’s who He is: Creator. Matt Tommey
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Barn Quilt Pumpkins
Isaiah 41:10, ESV Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
- pumpkins or gourds, cleaned and dried
- fine sandpaper
- white paint (I used some chalk paint I had left from another project)
- paintbrush
- Mod Podge
- Foam brush
- printed design (use a dry toner printer) You'll find the one I used at the end of this blog. You may print it for your own use, or use another design.
- scissors
- sponge
- sealer (again, I used what I had)
Monday, April 25, 2022
Staying on Track
I don't know what your workshop looks like, but mine is a mess of started projects. I get inspired and start something new, but before it gets finished, inspiration hits again! And a new project gets added.
I realized I needed a way to keep myself on track. Also, I wanted to have a place to remind myself of new projects I wanted to do, without another pile of papers and fabric cluttering up my workspace.
After some research and prayer, I decided on a corkboard. Because of the shape I wanted, I made my own. I found some cork tiles at a good price, but I didn't want to attach them directly to the wallpaper. I also had a box of promotional yardsticks I could use as a frame.
So Steve got to work bringing my vision into reality. We cut and spray painted the yardsticks. He found some heavy cardboard that he cut to the shape we wanted. Then he glued the cork and frame to the cardboard. With a couple of screws, he attached it to the wall at the entrance to my studio, under my new banner. I finished it with a declaration.
The Lord blesses the work of my hands, so everything I set my hands to prospers.
Now, every day when I go into my studio, I see what projects I have going. Those are the ones I need to finish before I start on another one. I am reminded that there is a purpose for each of these projects and I have the grace I need to finish them. I also have room to post new and upcoming projects.
I have to admit that this little board has helped keep me focused and on track. I've even finished a few projects just so I could remove them from the board!
The Father has given us creative talents that are meant to be shared with the world. That means projects have to be completed, so they can be placed in the hands they were intended for. An incomplete quilt or table runner is not blessing anyone shoved aside in a corner of my studio.
And that is the ultimate goal of any quilter: to bless someone with the work of our hands.
For me, my new corkboard is a tool to achieve that goal. What do you use to keep your projects organized?
"You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake." Deuteronomy 15:10
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Nesting seams is an important skill for your quilting toolbox of knowledge. Give it a try on your next quilt if you haven't done so before.
What other skills do you have in your toolbox of knowledge? What would you like to learn?
The love of quilting is our common thread.