I recently received an e-mail from Matt Tommey, a Christian artist and coach. In it, he talked about what happens in our studio when we create with God. It got me thinking, is this what is happening in my studio?
"Every artist knows that the creative process is supernatural. When we create, we connect with something larger than ourselves. I don’t believe that’s magic. Rather, it’s the creative nature of God resounding in us… even if we don’t recognize it at times. And in that process, the studio becomes a sacred space for artists. Not just because we create there but because it’s the place where identity, design, and assignment converge. In the studio we embrace our position as children of God, fully loved, fully accepted, and fully able to do everything that he’s put on our hearts. In the studio, we embrace our unique design as creatives - with all our funny idiosyncrasies, sensitivities, and preferences - knowing that we do not create alone but as led by His Spirit. In the studio, we embrace our Kingdom assignment to create work (and ultimately a life) that becomes signs and wonders for all those who interact with them. In the studio, we are most alive and God is glorified because creating was His idea in the first place. It’s who He is: Creator. Whether your studio is in your spare bedroom, your backyard, or in the local arts district, God invites us to create with Him."
I want my studio to be a place like that. A sacred space where I meet with the creative nature of God to fulfill a Kingdom assignment.
I have been blessed with a great studio in my basement. But somehow, going in it and creating has become a chore and not the blessing God intends it to be. It is time for me to rekindle my enthusiasm and joy to allow my studio to be what God designed it to be again.
- I will embrace my position as a child of God and do what He has put on my heart.
- I will embrace my unique design as a creative and create with the Holy Spirit.
- I will embrace my Kingdom assignment to create so God will be glorified.
What is your studio like? Are you embracing it as a place to meet and create with God? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
In the studio, we are most alive and God is glorified because creating was His idea in the first place. It’s who He is: Creator. Matt Tommey