Nesting for a Perfect Fit
**This post is part of the #write28days challenge to write and post every day in February.
Todays prompt: Nesting
Nesting, when used as a quilting term, refers to placing your seams together to achieve a smooth flat quilt top. When assembling the blocks, the seams are pressed together(not pressed open), so they sort of notch together. You do this by pressing a row of seams one way and the adjoining row in the opposite direction. This takes a little planning, but the end result is worth the effort.
As I was working on this, the Holy Spirit reminded me that the body of Christ should fit together smoothly also. At times there is so much division among us, I wonder how He will ever make it fit. But we only see one block...
I'll tell you a secret. Sometimes I get frustrated by those who don't have the same revelation I have been given. It's as if I'm being pressed to one side, while others are being pressed in the opposite direction. Wouldn't it be better if we were all pressed the same way? It is much easier to walk in love with someone who agrees with me and doesn't challenge my beliefs. Especially when I know I'm right!
But then I considered God might know what He is doing. I Corinthians 13:12 says all I know now is partial and incomplete. We have each been given a part, and our parts are to hook together to form a complete quilted body, without spot or wrinkle or bulky seams.
After you have sewn and cut your strips it is time to press your seams.
Place your fabric right side together and gently move the seams until they nest.
Pin into place, check your notches haven't moved, then sew.
You should have a perfectly aligned and flat quilt block.
Nesting seams is an important skill for your quilting toolbox of knowledge. Give it a try on your next quilt if you haven't done so before.
What other skills do you have in your toolbox of knowledge? What would you like to learn?
The love of quilting is our common thread.