Last fall I promised I'd share my pattern for Mug Rugs. Then I got sick and everything stopped. I did no writing, no quilting, no cleaning, no cooking- no nothing. My get up and go had got up and gone
But the good news is I'm back! I'm writing again and have spent some time in my workshop.
So, mug rug. What is it and why do I want to make one or use one?. Well, a mug rug is a quilted mat that is big enough to hold a cup and a snack. They range in size from 4" x 7" to 8" x 12". After some experimenting, I found I like the 6" x 9" size the best. It is a great way to use some of your fabric scraps or practice blooks.
For this pattern, you will need backing, batting, and 2 coordinating prints for the front. You can use any batting as long as it is not a high loft (may make your mug wobble). This is another place you can use up small pieces. Just whip stitch together until you have a big enough piece.
Sew around the mug rug using a 1/4" seam, leaving a 2"-3" gap on the side or bottom. Trim away excess batting in the seam allowance. trim corner diagonally, being sure not to cut into the seam.
Turn inside out through the opening. Fold the opening in and press. Topstitch around the edges, being sure to catch the opening to sew it closed.
Quilt as desired. I do mine with a diagonal pattern.
These make wonderful, inexpensive gifts. Making them doesn't take a lot of time, so make a few for your friends while you make your own.
Until next time,
You haven't had enough coffee until you can thread a sewing machine while it is running!